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Song Purchases

I currently have four songs available for purchase. I am happy for these to be out there if they feel right for your group to sing. If you are able to offer a contribution in exchange, all donations will be gratefully received. See below for links to the scores. Contact me if you would like sound files of the individual parts.




The Happy Round

This was written in Sep 2021 in preparation for my singing group's first proper indoor gathering after the pandemic. I wanted something short and quick to learn to sing at the start, to gather us together and express our delight at being able to sing together again indoors.


It is a round and works in 4 parts, though may be easier to do in 2 or 3.















I have scored this at soprano pitch (starting on a C) but sung it 5 tones lower, starting on an F, which is more comfortable for my tenor voice. Feel free to pitch it where it works best for your group. 



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Be Still

I wrote Be Still in response to one of the elections whose result, let's say, did not sit so well with me (some time post 2012...I've lost count of how many there have been now!). I felt my mind racing and with it I was getting more and more anxious. A phrase that was commonly used in my Quaker childhood came back to me; 'Be still and know that I am God'. I kept repeating it over and over and I felt calmer. I wanted to make the song comfortable for people of any religion or none to sing, hence the phrase 'Be still and know that all is well' which I hope feels inclusive. Feel free to use the original words, or others that are more appropriate for your group.


In keeping with it's origins, this can be sung as a two or three parter, really simply. There are two other parts that echo the main body of the song which give it interest and depth if that is desired. The pitch can also be adujusted to the needs of the group.
















I sung this recently on a beach singing event (hence the wind!) in three parts. (Teaching video coming soon!)


We sung continuously throughout the pandemic, on zoom when we had to and outside as much as we were wllowed. Many of us came to love singing outdoors so much that we have continued to do so. We often sing in a local park, the Water Tower Gardens in Chester. One April morning a few of us had gathered and were enjoying the first real warm sunny day of the year. I commented that all the sun songs in our repertoire are quite upbeat and we could do with gentler paced one. Reflecting on this on a walk later that day I felt myself humming a tune...and by the time I was home Lazing was born.















The parts for this come in one at a time; bass, soprano, tenor, alto. The song is repeated as many times as you wish and the last time around all parts finish together on the first phrase.




Nourish My Soul

For my residential singing event in 2022, Song and Silence, I wanted a song that related to the landscape in which we were spending our time; the mountains and valleys of Eryri (Snowdonia) and also led us into a place of stillness.
















I particularly love the versatility of this song, which can be adapted to your surroundings and what's happening there, wherever you are eg wild oceans; birds singing; etc I also like that it can be sung as an invocation or an affirmation.





Sing.Dance.Love website by Ella Speirs 2017

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